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Ascended Masters

Table of Contents

1) Ascended Masters

2) The I AM Discourses of St. Germain

3) Dispensation of Grace from St. Germain

4) Working with Ascended Masters

5) The Golden Armor of the Cosmic Flame of Cosmic Victory

6) Elohim Mighty Victory

7) The Radiant Energy of the Divine Mother

8) The Infinite Radiance of the Divine Mother

9) Working with Angels

10) There is Only God in Action There

11) Controlling Our Feeling World


1) Ascended Masters

    Ascended masters challenge us to claim our Divinity.  If we fail to do this, we allow ourselves to be trapped in a limited state of being.  If we recognize that each one of us is the Mighty I AM Presence, then there is no limit to what we are capable of doing.  In other words, we are God, and God does not have limitations.  The I AM Presence is perfect, and we can claim our own perfection.  It takes time for these ideas to sink in.  I repeated “I AM the Mighty I AM Presence” countless times until one day I said it, and I actually believed it.  This was a big step forward for me.

    Claiming our God selves means realizing the limitations of our human selves.  “Only Love and Light are real.  Everything human is unreal, and it has no power.”  This is another concept that takes some time to accept. 

    Our thoughts carry great power, and it is important to choose carefully what we focus on because we become what we focus on.  If we buy into the chaotic reality that is presented to us in the news, then we help to perpetuate that chaotic reality.  The ascended masters tell us to not be concerned no matter how dire the situation seems to be.  They tell us to ignore human imperfection and issue decrees that will help to bring more perfection into this world.  Continually focusing upon the I AM Presence brings more Divinity into this world.

    In our perfected state, everything we want manifests instantly.  If this does not happen, it is because of impediments in our feeling world.  These impediments along with limiting beliefs and thoughts keep us from manifesting what we want, and they keep us from ascending.

    Asking for the right things speeds our path to ascension.  There is nothing wrong with asking for a nice house, a large income, a rewarding job and a soulmate, but these requests do not lead to spiritual growth.  The affirmation that I found most useful was “I Am the Mighty I AM Presence surging radiant energy through my mind and body dismissing everything unlike Itself.”  I said this every night before bed, and I added “all night long,” and I visualized radiant energy passing through my body.  (Our ability to visualize is a powerful way to create something.)  I have no memory of what happened during the night, but it was clear that powerful changes were taking place.  Throughout the day, I said, “I AM Presence, fill my feeling world with the Radiance of Your Love and Your Light, and remove everything else.”  I also asked that all imperfect discordant energy be removed from my body, mind and feeling world.  All of these requests sped up my spiritual evolution.

    We can purify ourselves with the Violet Consuming Flame that incinerates all of the imperfect energy in our being from this and previous lifetimes.  The first few times that I tried using the Violet Flame, not much happened.  I continued on with the other I AM teachings until I came to a discourse by Lady Master Nada for children, and she inspired me to try again.  I am so glad that I did.  After using the Violet Flame, I call upon the Purifying Flame to heal every part of my being.  The Violet Flame and Purifying Flame are far more powerful inside the unified field that is created by the unified chakra meditation.  This allows the flames to more easily reach our emotional, mental and spiritual bodies, our oversoul and our Christ and I AM oversouls.

    As soon as we earnestly embrace the I AM teachings, ascended masters start working with us, and they do a lot of the work that is necessary for ascension for us.  Dispensations of Grace are common.  Most of the help that we receive is outside of our awareness.  It is uncommon to be able to communicate with ascended masters the way that I did.

    When the time feels right, it is time to gain complete control over our minds.  This requires intense effort and the willingness to do whatever is necessary in order to succeed.  Failure cannot be an option.

    The ascended masters tell us that failure is impossible unless we give up.  They tell us that everyone who perseveres will eventually succeed.  They tell us that everyone who applies themselves diligently will ascend in this lifetime or the next lifetime.  Working with ascended masters is one of the fastest pathways to ascension.


2) The I AM Discourses of St. Germain

    I AM Discourse 1 changed my life.  It felt like it was written just for me.  It stated that we are all perfect manifestations of Divine Consciousness (the I Am Presence), and we create limiting beliefs that cause us to forget that this is the case.  St. Germain said, “If I say “I am sick,” this is a falsehood because the perfection of I AM cannot get sick.”  Referencing illness drove this point home for me.  I started to repeat “I AM” every time a limiting thought or belief arose.  At night, in a half asleep state, I repeated, "I AM the perfect manifestation of Divine Consciousness” to get it to take root in my unconscious mind.  Then I felt like my ego was a house of cards containing limiting beliefs, and reading this one discourse caused the house of cards to collapse, and my life began to unravel.  

    When I said, “I AM the Mighty I AM Presence,” I felt like I was going to die.  I remembered that the Sufi mystic Al Ghazali was martyred after he said “I am God” during a deep unitive experience.  Then I remembered being killed 10 lifetimes in a row for being able to access the spirit world. 

    St. Germain said the key to manifesting what we want is drawing energy from an electronic belt or circle around our being.  This information made me realize the importance of the Merkaba meditation which creates a sphere and disk of energy around us.  I recreate the Merkaba sphere and disk daily, and this energy allows me to manifest all that I desire.  I use this energy to create, and I ask it for assistance in working through issues that I am facing.   After I create a Merkaba sphere and disk for myself, I create one around the Earth.  Then I say, “I AM the Presence that speaks for the Earth.  I AM the Presence that fills the Earth with Light.  I AM the Presence that sends peace, Love and the Light of awakening to all of humanity.”

   Surrounding each of us is a thought world that we have created, and we use our thoughts and feelings to create in this thought world.  Whenever I say “I” or “my,” this releases the power of the I Am Presence.  It is important to pay attention to our thoughts because our minds use these words often.  The unconscious use of the words “I” and “my” leads to unconscious creations.  

    Thoughts do not manifest until they become attached to feelings.  If we catch a thought before a feeling attaches, we can stop the manifestation from happening.  We can say, “Discordant thought, I close my door on you.”

    St. Germain encourages us to see perfection in everything.  As soon as we label something imperfect, we make it so.  I had to reprogram my mind to see perfection because the habit of my mind was to focus upon all that is wrong with this world.  Looking for perfection turned my world upside down, and it caused great resistance.  I started saying, “I AM the liberation from all negative thought patterns.”

    To see the world as perfect, we have to stop labeling experiences as good and bad because we become attached to what we label “good” and we resist what we label “bad.”  We have to transcend our resistance and attachment in order to experience perfection.  I said, “I AM the liberation from resistance and attachment.     I AM the Presence that welcomes every outcome.  I surrender to the Activity of the I AM Presence.”  It takes deep surrender to do this.

    My mind squirmed as I struggled to let go of my negative views about America.  For 2 years, I watched a documentary almost every day where I learned about the richest 1% who own corrupt US corporations who rule over this country.  Seeing perfection in America was one of my greatest challenges.  St. Germain said that we should not be influenced by what we hear, and in the back of every apparent shadow lies the Light of the Mighty I AM Presence.  The shadow is a necessary antithesis to the Light, and we can bring more light into this world by focusing upon it.  I realized that my negative thoughts were helping to perpetuate the conditions that I wanted to eradicate, so I said, “I AM the Presence that sees America as a land of freedom, justice and Light.”  

    My ego was deeply invested in negative views, and it felt threatened when I let go of them.  When my negative thoughts and feelings about America returned in the middle of the night, they felt toxic, and I released them again.  

    We become what we focus on.  If we focus on negative thoughts, we will live a negative life.  “Only Love and Light are real.  Everything human is unreal, and it has no power.”    

    One day I found myself in a difficult predicament with zero understanding of what was happening inside of me.  I took St. Germain’s advice, and I said, “I AM Presence, I do not know what is happening to me, and I need your help.”  Then I surrendered in unknowing about how I would get through everything that I faced.  When I pushed through to the other side of this issue, I still had no understanding about what had happened, but I felt great gratitude for the help that I received.  I started communicating regularly with the I Am Presence.

    St. Germain said that failure is impossible when using the I Am Presence if we hold to it unwaveringly and persevere.  The I Am cannot fail unless the outer obstructs the way.  If our affirmations do not manifest, that means that there are impediments in our feeling world.  We can say, “Mighty I AM Presence, remove everything in my feeling world that is impeding my progress.”

    It is important to be patient with ourselves if we are not immediately able to manifest what we want.  I decided, “I AM kind, compassionate and patient in dealing with myself and others.”  I suspect that people who are not patient with themselves give up in frustration after a short time.  Feeling like a failure is just another discordant process that must be worked through.  It took a lifetime to create our discordant thoughts, beliefs and mindsets, and it is unrealistic to expect to become an ascended master overnight.  It takes time.

    Saying “I Am Not” empowers the mighty power in a negative direction to destroy that which we want to accomplish.  If bodily problems persist, we can say “I Am the imperfect energy acting there.  I AM the perfect health of every cell and organ in my body.” 

    It is important to avoid thinking about others in a negative way because we are the ones who are most affected by our negative thoughts and feelings about others.  The negative energy that we create is magnified and revisited upon ourselves.  It is important to learn to see everyone as manifestations of the I AM Presence.  When we find ourselves judging others, we can say, “There is only God in action here.”  St. Germain said that we can never be fully free until we stop judging and criticizing others.  When we send the energy of the I AM Presence (Love and Light) to others, this energy is magnified and sent back to us.

    I asked the I AM Presence for a body upgrade so that it can handle higher levels of energy, and flaming energy passed through my hands as I passed them over my body.

    I AM affirmations that trigger emotional reactions help us to make unconscious thought patterns conscious so we can get rid of them.  When I said, “I AM trust in the Divine Presence,” it released feelings of distrust and fear related to the traumas that I have experienced in my life.  I repeated this affirmation until all of these feelings disappeared.

    There are endless possible affirmations that we can learn.  I started saying, “I AM the Presence that brings peace, harmony and perfection into my world.”  “I AM the Presence that dispels discordant thoughts, feelings, doubts and fears.”  “I AM Presence, remove everything in my feeling world that is impeding my progress.”  Learning to use the power of the I AM Presence is an ongoing process, and the I AM Presence changes our lives in ways that we cannot predict.  This makes life exciting.


3) Dispensation of Grace from St. Germain

    One morning I woke up feeling incredibly hydrated and different.  Then I felt Love in every cell of my body.  It was a remarkable feeling.  During the night,  I received a dispensation of Grace from St. Germain.  My gratitude knows no bounds.  I am incredibly blessed.  I spent my days focused upon Love and Light in my body and my feeling world above my head.  “I AM Love and Light.  There is only Love and Light in my feeling world.”


    I said, “I AM the Mighty I AM Presence" countless times, but I never fully believed it until one day I did.  The day that I did believe it changed my life forever.  It registered in my feelings, and I knew that I had made a giant step forward. 


4) Working with Ascended Masters

    Ascended masters normally work with us outside of our awareness, and it took me a while to become aware that there were always two ascended masters working with me and sending energy into my feeling world to speed up my spiritual evolution.  When I sat on a boulder on a power spot in my front yard, I began to tune into their energy and communicate with them.  I am not able to see them, but I can tune into their energy.  St. Germain, Lady Master Nada, the Divine Director  and Mighty Victory worked with me when I was processing intense emotions, and I needed extra help, but I mostly work with masters Cecilia, Bob, Gabriel, James and Fred.


5) The Golden Armor of the Cosmic Flame of Cosmic Victory

    We are all Divine beings, but I never felt Divine until one day I did.  After reading a discourse by Elohim Mighty Victory, I visualized myself inside of a tube of light wearing the flaming golden armor of the Cosmic Flame of Cosmic Victory with Love and Light in my feeling world above my head.  This armor rooted me in the present moment, and it filled me with the power of my Divinity.

    Later in the day, I was hijacked by my mind fixating upon worry, and it took fierce determination and some help from Mighty Victory to return my focus to my flaming armor.  I refused to accept any other state of mind.  My determination was intense.  I think that it takes this type of intense determination to finally gain control over our minds.  

    The next day, 3 disappointing events put me in a complaining state of mind, and it took great effort to shift my focus back to a harmonious state.  I repeated, "Flaming golden armor.  Tube of Light.  Love and Light in my feeling world,” and Lady Master Nada showed me how to fill the tube of light with the Cosmic Flame.  (Focusing upon my flaming armor kept me in a constant state of healing.)    

    After a taste of the state of Divinity, no other state of being was acceptable to me.  I was determined to learn how to live in a Divine state free from worrying and complaining.


6) Elohim Mighty Victory

    Elohim Mighty Victory is connected to the Cosmic Flame of Cosmic Victory, a limitless source of infinite power.  Visualizing the Cosmic Flame around me magnified my ability to heal the Earth, and I finished my work in half the time.  I called on Mighty Victory and her Legions of Angels of Cosmic Victory for help.  The Cosmic Flame slowly incinerated the negative energy in my mind and feeling world which sped me towards a state of perfection.

    Elohim Mighty Victory said that resentment is a form of hate, and holding onto resentment affects our health.  She recommends saying, "I command that everything discordant which occurred between me and this person be seized by the Angels of Blue Lightning and annihilated from the Universe —cause, effect, record, and memory, so it can touch no other part of Life, and let it be replaced with the Cosmic Flame of Cosmic Victory."  I used this statement to release resentment for a whole host of people that I felt wronged by over the years.  I used this same process to remove memories of dark movies and shows that I want to forget.

    Elohim Mighty Victory recommends sending Blue Lightning and the Violet Consuming Flame into every discordant event that we encounter.  She wants us to form the habit of seeing something wrong and commanding the perfection of the Cosmic Flame to take its place.

    Elohim Mighty Victory recommends sending Love and Light to everyone that we encounter during the day.  During my weekly trip down the mountain to get groceries, I sent this energy to cashiers, people standing in line and waiters/waitresses.  They didn't seem to notice that I was doing this, but something amazing happened.  The energy that I sent was magnified and sent back to me.  This was amazing!


7) The Radiant Energy of the Divine Mother

    The Cosmic Flame transformed me in amazing ways, but the first time that it turned black, I was alarmed, and I concentrated on turning it back to orange.  Then Master Gabriel told me to allow the Cosmic Fire to be any color that it wanted to be.  When I focused upon my golden armor inside of this black fire, the fire disappeared, and I found myself inside the Radiant Darkness of the Womb Chakra.  Whenever I think of this Radiant Energy around my body, I immediately connect with the powerful energy of the Divine Mother in the 5th dimension.  I found myself in uncharted territory because none of the ascended masters ever mentioned anything about the Divine Mother.  

    Ascended masters stopped working with me, and the Divine Mother became my master.  She immediately turned my world upside down, and everything that had been working so well for me needed to change.  She told me to stop reading the St. Germain books and to stop using I AM affirmations, and I had to relearn how to do my spiritual practices and healing work in a new way.  My mind was attached to my old way of doing things, and it vehemently resisted these changes.  I had already taught my mind to live in a state of unknowing previously, and returning to this mindset helped me make this transition.  The Womb Chakra is a place of unknowing, and parts of my mind began to dissolve there.

    The Divine Mother showed me how to draw upon her Radiant Energy to heal myself and this world. The Divine Mother’s Radiant Energy is extremely powerful.  When I draw upon this energy during Earth healings, I finish my work much faster than when I used the Cosmic Flame.  I began sending her Radiant Energy into the Earth to transmute dark energies in the underworld.  I began sending her Radiant Energy and Love to every person that I encounter. 

    My close proximity to the Radiant Energy of the Divine Mother kept me in a constant state of healing.  On many occasions, I processed past trauma as I felt intense pain in my heart center and lungs, and I had trouble breathing, and I repeatedly had to sit down to avoid passing out.  Then, in meditation, I encountered myself as a little boy sitting on the floor with broken pieces of his psyche spread out before him on the floor.  He was vulnerable and scared, and he had no idea what to do.  I told him, “You have to feel your pain in order to heal.”  I pulled him into the Divine Mother’s Radiance with me, and the broken pieces of his psyche came together and went back into his head.  Then I pulled this child into my heart center.  I told myself, “It is okay to feel vulnerable and scared,” as I integrated this child into my being.     

    I asked the Divine Mother to incinerate every part of my mind that had any interest in focusing upon anything other than her Radiant Energy and my radiant, Divine Self in the Womb Chakra.  With intense effort, I was able to stop my mind completely.  Then I stepped into my Divine Self in the Womb Chakra.  I realized that my Divine Self is real, and every other part of myself is unreal and has no power.  When I focused upon healing the Earth, my consciousness was inside the Earth.  I Am the Earth.  I AM the Divine Mother.  I AM a Divine Being and so are you.

    The Womb Chakra of the Divine Mother lies in the 5th dimension, and we need to pull Her into this dimension.  When a critical mass of people connect to the Divine Mother, this world and everyone in it will be transformed dramatically. 


I AM Discourses of St. Germain (1-33) Book #3

Download St. Germain books for free.
The I AM Discourses in book #3.

Angelina Heart, The Teaching of Little Crow: The Journey of the Soul

8) The Infinite Radiance of the  Divine Mother

    A deeply unitive experience with the Divine Mother changed everything.  I started to identify with the Divine Mother, and I stopped identifying with parts of my own mind which began to fall away.  My mind and body seemed unreal.  The Divine Mother told me to identify with her — an infinite being whose Radiance extends across the multiverse.  I began to visualize and identify with a disc of Radiance extending out from my crown chakra into infinity.  This became a form of cosmic consciousness, a constant awareness of being one with everything.


We become what we focus on.




9) Working with Angels

    I worked with beings of light for many years without ever meeting an angel.  Invocations for help from Archangels Rafael and Michael and St. Germain were common at Reiki events, but angels never seemed real to me until I met them.  My first encounter with angels was during lightbody sessions 3 through 6 with Chintan.  Archangels Metatron, Michael, Gabriel and Rafael were present for session 3.  Archangel Metatron was present for sessions 4 through 6.  I was very grateful for their help in removing dark energies from my body.

    Book #16 of the St. Germain series contains discourses by Archangel Michael where he tells us that everyone who is not on a dark path has an angel working with him or her.  He wants everyone to become aware of the presence of angels in their lives.  He said that when anyone is working with an ascended master, there is also an angel present.  He said that ascended masters are angels.

    Angels and beings of light are eagerly awaiting to be asked to remove dark energy and dark entities from this world, but they won’t do anything unless an embodied person asks for their help.  Archangel Michael suggests calling upon the Legions of Angels of Blue Lightning to charge the atmosphere of the Earth with Sacred Fire.  When I do this, I include the atmosphere of every planet in the multiverse.  I call upon the Angels of Blue Lightning to charge every capitol around the world to remove any dark energies that might be affecting world leaders.  I also call upon the Legions of Angels of the Cosmic Flame of Cosmic Victory to charge the atmosphere of every planet in the multiverse with the Cosmic Flame of Cosmic Victory.

    Hopefully, more people will become aware of the presence of angels in this world and start asking for their help.


10) There is Only God in Action There

    Ascended Masters tell us that we cannot be fully free until we learn to stop judging and criticizing others.  We are all part of a single God Consciousness that is trying to evolve through each of us.  No matter what another person does, there is always “only God in action there.”

    Human ignorance is staggering.  Soldiers who participate in genocidal ethnic cleansing imagine that they are doing something good, but once again, there is only God in action there.  God’s efforts to evolve through different people are often not very successful.  In someone like Hitler, it is hard to see God in action, but even in Hitler, God was attempting to evolve (albeit, not very successfully).  Hitler most likely thought he was doing something good when he killed 6 million Jews, and now he will have to suffer through countless lifetimes to pay his karmic debt.

    We can use the phrase “There is always only God in action there” to help us to forgive others and ourselves.  I needed to forgive myself for choosing anger and hate over love.  I needed to forgive myself for shutting down emotionally for decades.  I needed to forgive myself for making bad choices with intense ramifications that ruined decades of my life.  In each of these situations, God was attempting to evolve through me, and there was only God in action there.  Forgiving myself was liberating.

    I realized that I needed to forgive several people from my high school years.  All these years later, I still harbored hatred for one person.  Hatred is a toxic emotion that opens us up to take on dark energy.  In all of the imagined wrongs committed against me, there was always only God in action there.  Releasing my judgments and hate set me free.


11) Controlling Our Feeling World

    Ascended masters talk about the importance of gaining control over our feeling world.  I am only beginning to understand what that means.  People might guess that controlling our feeling world means controlling our feelings, but that is not the case.  Controlling our feelings means deciding how we want to feel and blocking out everything else, and this is extremely unhelpful.  Gaining control of our feeling world means developing the willingness to experience any emotion or experience without resistance.  There is nothing that Divine Consciousness (I AM Presence) is unwilling to experience, and we need to develop the same approach in order to evolve at the fastest possible speed.

    I asked the I AM Presence to take control of my life when I faced difficult situations and traumas, and in all of these instances, releasing difficult emotions was part of the process.

    Resisted experiences and traumas are impediments in our feeling worlds that keep us from being able to manifest what we want with our thoughts and feelings.  Impediments in our feeling world trigger us into creating more discord.

    Manifestation happens when thoughts connect with feelings.  In his discourses in the St. Germain series, Master Jesus said that he was unable to answer prayers that were not accompanied by feelings.

    Engaging our feelings comes with many unintended consequences.  It is not easy to avoid emotional engagement with disturbing current events, but the moment that our emotions are engaged, a picture is created in our feeling worlds, and we unknowingly create the very thing that we are fighting against, and we become entangled in the discord.  Master Jesus warned us about doing this.  Trying to solve a discordant situation on our own doesn’t work.  Jesus invites us to call upon the Sacred Fire to incinerate every type of human discord.  The Sacred Fire is the tool used by the Legions of Angels of Blue Lightning.

    Facing disturbing events in this world without becoming emotionally involved is no easy task.  How is it even possible?  Doing so requires changing the way that we see this world.  God (Source Consciousness) is trying to evolve through each of us, and we are all part of a single Consciousness.  No matter what someone does or what happens in this world, there is alway only God in action there.  On the flip side of the darkest event, we find the I AM Presence.  

    It is not easy for our minds to understand that this world is a hologram that allows billions of souls to simultaneously receive exactly the right experiences that will help them to evolve.  Some souls need to have extremely painful experiences in order to pay karmic debts.  The mysterious beauty of how this all plays out is beyond our comprehension.

    The ascended masters tell us that all human discord is unreal, and it has no power.  If all human discord is unreal, and there is always only God in action, there is no need to get emotionally involved in any event.

    That is not to say that there is nothing that we can do.  There is plenty that we can do to make this world a better place.  Every day I ask for changes.  I visualize them happening, and I feel joy as if they have already happened.  I ask the Divine Mother to send peace and harmony to Ukraine, Russia, Gaza, Israel and the rest of this world and every world in the multiverse.  I ask the Angels of Blue Lightning to charge the atmosphere of the Earth and every planet in the multiverse with Sacred Fire to incinerate dark entities, dark energy and all imperfection.  I ask angels to send Sacred Fire into every capital building and the home residences of every world leader to incinerate any dark influence upon the decisions that they make.  I ask the Divine Mother to send her Radiance, her Love and the Light of Awakening to every being in the multiverse and remove everyone’s doubts and fears.  I ask the Divine Mother to cause a mass awakening on every planet in the multiverse and to raise up enlightened leaders to take control of every world.  I ask the Divine Mother to cause the Earth and every planet in the multiverse to ascend.

    If our efforts to change this world do not immediately manifest, we have to remember that there are others with the same power to create with their thoughts and feelings who may be focused upon manifesting the exact opposite of what we are focused upon creating.  Sometimes it may seem that our efforts are futile, but in the end, it will be a single soul who will provide the tipping point (the 100th monkey) that will make it possible for a huge shift in human consciousness and the eventual ascension of the Earth.

    Reaching an ascended master state of consciousness requires a deep trust that no matter how bad things seem to be, the I AM Presence has everything under control.  This deep trust keeps us from becoming emotionally involved in human discord and perpetuating the problem.  

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