E4 Trauma Healing
In my experience, there are 2 steps to healing trauma. The first step is to release the emotions that are lodged somewhere in the body. The second step is to reprogram our memory of this trauma as it is recorded in our mind.
The Neo-Shamanic restructuring of my prostate released the pain of sexual trauma, but my healing didn’t feel complete until I used E4 trauma healing to remove the charge from my mind. In addition to recording the memory of the traumatic event, my mind added emotions, unhelpful beliefs and expectations for things to have turned out differently than they did. My unhelpful beliefs included being responsible for the trauma and negative views of myself. These emotions, beliefs and expectations added an energetic charge to the event which magnified the effects of the trauma. E4 trauma healing removed these emotions, beliefs and expectations, and I was left with only the facts of what actually happened. This was accomplished by repeating the facts of what happened over and over again until the emotional charge was removed. When this charge was gone, only then was I truly free from this trauma. Then it was time to create life affirming beliefs to replace the unhelpful beliefs that were released. This was truly liberating.
The more that I use the E4 trauma method, the more that I value it. I worked through several other traumas using this process.
Contact Lainne (Lay-nee) for an E4 Trauma session: