Christof, Alaya, Jonathan, Shera and the Guardians
With help from Christof Melchizedek, I was able to remove some alien influence from this world. I visualized a tri-wave and krystal spiral over the Reichstag capital building in Berlin, and I became aware of an enormous alien reactor underneath the ground. It is a giant sphere with countless hexagonal tiles. This reactor controls many underground black boxes of alien technology that disrupt Earth's grids and spread conflict around the world. Then I visualized a golden phoenix over Berlin's capital, and I called upon millions of beings of light, and an intense beam of light passed through the capital building and neutralized the reactor underground. The reactor was not destroyed, so I need to deactivate it weekly. This reactor controls black boxes under under the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, under the Vatican in Rome, under the Kaaba in Mecca, under the Forbidden City in Beijing, under the Russian orthodox church next to the Kremlin in Moscow, under the Reichstag capital building in Germany, under the presidential compound in Ankara, Turkey, under the royal palace in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, under the Lincoln Memorial in Washington D.C., under the twin towers in New York, under the Griffith Observatory overlooking Los Angeles and under a hill overlooking San Francisco.
Christof, Alaya, Jonathan and the Guardians work to remove sources of dark energy that prevent the free flow of energy in this world. This dark energy affects everyone, and clearing Earth’s grids puts the planet on a path to ascension. The Guardian missions have focused upon removing the power of an apex sorcerer and the 13 cabal families who have been controlling this world.
On the second guardian mission, I used the three symbols to close a dark portal in the Federal Reserve building in Washington, and dark entities left this world. On the third guardian mission, I called upon Archangels Michael and Metatron and a host of other angels to rid the world of 4 multidimensional whirlpools of dark energy (in Los Angeles, Paris, Saudi Arabia and Romania) connected to the sexual trafficking of underage girls. On the 5th mission in Africa, beings of light expelled demons from the capital building in Pretoria and 10 sites on the west coast of Africa where slaves awaited transport to other countries. On the 7th mission, Christof and Alaya descended into the underworld to retrieve the dragon eggs of the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine, and they balanced the energies of matter and antimatter. Alaya sat on a throne and transmuted the energy of the Dark Mother. On the 9th Guardian mission, Alaya took on the collective pain of women being denied access to the the energy of the Divine Feminine, and Christof took on the pain of being denied access to the Divine Masculine. Though their efforts, Christof and Alaya performed a great service to humanity that had repercussions that reverberated throughout the multiverse.
While Christof and the Guardian team were focused upon releasing trapped feminine energy on Venus and trapped masculine energy on Saturn, my guides told me to ask thousands of beings of light to widen and expand energy portals at the Giza pyramid in Egypt, the Chichen Itza Mayan pyramid in Yucatan, Mexico, the Golden Pavilion Temple in Kyoto, Japan, the ruins of Machu Picchu in Peru, Mt. Uluru in Australia, and the Sera Monastery in Lhasa, Tibet. Thousands of beings of light focused beams of light into the energy portals at these sites, and the portals started expanding, swirling and opening multidimensionally with holographic devices receiving energy from 25 dimensions. The portals opened to receive the energy of Venus (the Divine Feminine) and the energy of Saturn (the Divine Masculine) that was being released by Christof and the Guardian team.
A multitude of beings of light showed up to help with the Vatican mission. Under the obelisk in the center of the circular courtyard of the Vatican, there was a black crystal that the beings of light blasted until it became clear. When the crystal became clear, I saw the sword Excalibur inside of it. I picked up the sword, turned it downward, pressed it into the ground and turned it like a key. The stones of the courtyard rolled away, and trapped souls rose up from the catacombs under the Vatican. (Who knew that there are walls in the catacombs made with human skulls?) Then I turned Excalibur upright, and One Source Light shot up through the obelisk into the heavens.
A host of angels led by archangels Michael and Metatron showed up to help with the St. Peter’s Cathedral mission. The angels used love to dissolve a barrier around the cathedral that prevented the Divine Feminine and the angels from entering. After the cathedral was filled with angels, Archangel Michael took the cross off the altar and turned it upside down, and it became Excalibur. Intense white light burst forth from excalibur that forced demons to the ceiling where they were slowly dissolved by the white light.
In the London mission, Archangel Michael and a host of angels removed demons from Westminister Abbey and St. Paul’s Cathedral. Christof and his team removed an Annunaki operating system that was controlling this world, and they replaced it with a new planetary operating system.
During the mission to heal the Earth’s hara and firmly establish the new planetary operating system, the Elohim who were working with me installed an enormous quantum still point clarifier (QSC) in the center of the Earth that is connected to smaller QSCs all over the world.
During mission 16, Alaya performed an amazing service to this world by transmuting Lucifer's energy. She didn't protect herself enough, and her heart was damaged. Then the Guardian Cias healed Alaya and returned warmth to her heart. On this mission, the Guardian team removed the power source for the Cabal, the 13 richest families that control much of what happens in this world. The Guardian team removed 90% of Lucifer’s control over this world.
Many dark influences were removed in the mission to Egypt. They took out an apex sorcerer. They removed the influence of alien races that were seeking to enslave humanity in order to feed off of our negative emotions (loosh). Draconians and the Ciakar were quarantined, and the Grey withdrew in defeat. Dragon Moth aliens were removed as well. They shut down a Drakonian black dragon queen's network, an AI beast machine in Peru, Thothian and Zephilian networks. While they were checking out Berlin for a Guardian mission, the team was caught in a consciousness trap created by 9 demon lords. For months, the team was unable to communicate with the Guardians until they became aware of the consciousness trap and removed it.
Christof, Alaya, Jonathan, Shera and a host of off planet Guardians continue to transform this world in amazing ways.