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Alien Interference in this World

    I never write about alien involvement in this world because it sounds like craziness to most people.  Even after several encounters with aliens, it sometimes still sounds like craziness to me.  It was not easy for my mind to accept the idea of being affected by aliens.

    While I was standing on an energy portal in Running Springs doing grid work, I saw an archon in the 4th dimension sneaking up behind me.  It looked like an Egyptian god with a long nosed lizard head and an enormous scaled chest and torso.  Archons can shift back and forth from the third and fourth dimensions, and in the fourth dimension, they are normally invisible to the human eye.  I don’t know how I was able to see it behind me in the 4th dimension.  This archon tried unsuccessfully to interfere with my grid work by making crashing noises.

    I have only seen an archon twice, but I have been affected archons many times outside of my awareness.  They plant limiting beliefs in our minds, and they do all that they can to prevent us from connecting to Source Consciousness.  They are parasitic beings that feed on negative human emotions because they are not able to connect to Source Consciousness.     

    Annunaki aliens (Nephillim giants) changed human DNA from 12 strands to 10 in order to make us easier to control, and archonic mind control programming is used to gain greater control over humans.  Archons are deathly afraid of the Divine 

Feminine, and they do all that they can to get us to devalue everything that is feminine.  They know that it is “game over” for them when the Divine Mother becomes firmly rooted in this world.

    It was very disturbing to realize that I was being affected by alien mind control programming.  After bringing down twin flame DNA into my body in a session with Devi, the alien programming began to fight back.  I became sick, and some of my health problems returned.  When this happened, I felt like I had failed.  When I needed her most, Devi contacted me and told me that feeling like I had failed was the result of alien programming, and she told me to ask my twin flame for help.  She said that my twin flame is my direct pipeline to God.  The first time that I tried to pull my twin flame into my body, my head burst into flames as alien programming was being incinerated.  Later, I commanded archons to “get out of my head” when I became aware that they were trying to influence my thoughts.

    About a year later, I was hammered by a sinus infection during the night.   In the morning, I sat in meditation inside the Womb Chakra, and I resolved to remain there until I determined the cause of my intense resistance.  Then I became aware of something foreign in my body.  When I focused upon my heart center, I saw a black entity with tentacles reaching through my heart muscle and heart center.  It was far more powerful than the Archonic nephillim that was removed in my lightbody work with Chintan.  I was alarmed that it seemed completely unconcerned about the Radiance of the Divine Mother.  I remained focused upon it and the feeling of deadness that it had brought into my life.  It remained inside me for a while, and then it made a very slow exit seemingly unconcerned about the immense power of the Divine Mother.

    The Divine Mother told me that I entered this world with hate in my heart, and this opened me to receive a second Archonic entity at birth in addition to the nephillim wrapped around my spine.

    To avoid alien interference in our lives, it is helpful to pay attention to where our thoughts come from.  If bizarre thoughts arise that do not seem to be our own, there may be an archon messing with our mind.  If we suspect that we are being tampered with, we can immediately create a 12-D shield to protect ourselves.  Creating this shield around ourselves and around our house is an important daily practice. 

    To find out more about the 12-D shield and the negative alien agenda, Lisa Renee’s blog posts on her website are helpful.  

Lisa Renee’s Blog Posts:

Aliens Feeding on Our Energy

    In the movie The Matrix, humans are unconscious batteries that feed artificially intelligent machines.  In reality, human’s energy feeds aliens (archons, the Grey, Draconians), the demiurge, Lucifer and the off-planet Abrexis family.  Most of these beings are not connected to Divine Consciousness which compels them to feed off our energy in order to survive.

     The Annunaki changed human DNA from 12 strands to 10 to make us easier to control and to turn us into a slave planet.  An archonic nephillim wraps around our spines during the moment of our birth.  The purpose of the nephillim is to prevent us from connecting with Divine Consciousness, and archons use mind control implants to control us.  They rewrote human history, and they support violent patriarchal religions that devalue everything feminine.  They live in the 4th dimension where they can influence our thoughts outside of our awareness.  They strive to magnify our negative emotions which they feed on as loosh.  When faced with negative thoughts, it is important for us to pay attention to where these thoughts are coming from to avoid being influenced by archons.

    Archons are masters of control.  They found a way of controlling us that is outside of the awareness of most people.  Most people think that the idea of alien involvement in this world is craziness which is part of the alien playbook that works brilliantly.

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