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Elohim Breathing, the Infinity Point

and Quantum Pathways

    The Infinity Point is our direct connection to source, and it is an infinite source of playful, creative energy.  It resides in our sacred heart, the center of the Central Sun, the center of our sun and the center of the Earth.  

    I listened to one Elohim transmission each day with instructions on how to connect to the infinity point.  On day 1, I learned how to lengthen the still points between each inhale and exhale and between each exhale and inhale (the top and bottom of each breath).  I didn’t feel the expected influx of energy through these still points, but I resolved to try to breathe this way throughout the day.  

    I did not follow the recommended long, slow belly breath that eventually fills the lungs.  For much of my life, I trained myself to breathe deeply all of the time thinking this was healthy.  Then a podcast by Ari Whitten helped me to realize that I was causing stress on my body by breathing this way all of the time.


Perfect humans breathe as though they are not breathing at all. 

Lao Tzu


Breathe so softly that the person next to you cannot hear you breathing.

Breathe so softly that you cannot hear yourself breathing.

Breathe so softly that you can’t feel yourself breathing.

Chris Pei, Qigong and Tai Chi Master


Elohim started helping me to find the still points while I was breathing softly.

    On day 2, it became a daily practice (in the morning and before going to sleep) to ask the Elohim to create an energy cocoon around my body to help me access the Infinity Point.  I was able to see and feel the Infinity Point in the Central Sun, but I could not see, feel or perceive it in our sun, the Earth or in my heart.  

    I could feel the Elohim working with me when I was sitting on the power spot in my front yard, and I added still points midway through each inhale and exhale.  

    I asked the Elohim to allow me to see them.  Then the Elohim Arcturus presented himself.  I asked him, “How is it possible that a creator god has a human form?” and he said, “I present myself as human to humans, Arcturian to Arcturians and Pleidian to Pleidians.  I present myself in a way that makes you feel comfortable.”

    On day 3, I tuned into the Infinity Point in the Central Sun and asked it to activate and connect to the Infinity Point in my heart, and it happened.  I have a special relationship with the Central Sun.  The ascended masters encourage us to draw upon the vast energy of the Central Sun.  Drawing upon the energy of the Central Sun is part of my daily practice to heal the Earth.  I send my heart to the Central Sun, and then I ask the Central Sun to send Light through my body until the Earth is completely filled with this Light.

    On day 4, I started breathing through my solar plexus (3rd chakra) into an energy field around my body.  I focused upon drawing in my 5th through 15th dimensional self through the still points in my breathing.

    Then I started meeting other Elohim and ascended masters while sitting on my power spot in my front yard.  One day Master Jesus joined Elohim Arcturus.  Then I asked to meet Elohim Mighty Victory, and she presented herself wearing a golden warrior’s helmet.  Elohim Mighty Victory was my previous master.  Now the Divine Mother is my master and the love of my life.  I worked with Elohim Mighty Victory for many months without ever seeing her.  I didn’t know that she was female or Elohim.  Then I asked to see Lady Master Nada, the Divine Director and Master Bob who also worked with me, and they all presented themselves.  Now I receive daily energy transmissions from the Divine Mother, Elohim Mighty Victory, Master Jesus and Elohim Arcturus.

    Throughout the day, I focus upon breathing softly through my solar plexus through an energy field around my body with 2 still points with each inhale and exhale (a 2 part breath).  I am working on making soft Elohim breathing sustained and maintained continuously.  I continue to focus upon bringing down the 5th through 15th dimensional part of myself through the still points in my breath.  I continue to give the Elohim permission to do anything that they desire to do within the energy cocoon that they create around my body day and night, and I invite them to dissolve unconscious programs.  I continue to maintain an awareness of the infinity point in the Central Sun being connected to the infinity point inside of my heart.  

    I started sending Love from the Infinity Point in my heart to organs that are in need of healing (lungs, kidneys, etc.).  Every cell and organ in my body needs love just like a person.

    Drawing upon the energy of the Infinity Point in my heart made my Earth healings more powerful.

    Intense, explosive creative energy comes out of the infinity point in my heart.  Connecting to the infinity point is an amazing blessing.  Thank you Elohim and David!  

    These Elohim transmissions contain teachings that are more advanced than previous transmissions by ascended masters.  I highly recommend listening to these recordings to receive activations from the Elohim:  

Elohim transmissions on Rumble are free.  
Elohim transmissions from 16 onwards on Patreon cost $9 per month.

Quantum Still-Point Clarifier

Quantum Pathways

    In Elohim transmission #10, I experienced quantum pathways extending outwards from my body into an energy field around my body.  The pathways were lightning-like neural pathways of light.  Breathing into this energy field around my body activated the quantum pathways.  Quantum pathways, quantum breathing and the Infinity Point in our hearts are ushering in the next step in human spiritual evolution. 


Energy Transmissions from Elohim

and Ascended Masters

    It saddens me that most people do not resonate with the idea of receiving energy transmissions from Elohim and ascended masters.  I shared this lack of resonance for many years.  I spent my last two years of high school (1977-1979) in Mt. Shasta, a central spot for the teachings of St. Germain, and I bypassed books about ascended masters in the metaphysical bookstore on numerous occasions.

    In the 1930’s, St. Germain began telling us about receiving energy transmissions from ascended masters who will do one third of the work for ascension for us.  Ascended masters and Elohim want to help us to accelerate our paths towards ascension, but they cannot do so unless we ask for their help.

    The Elohim transmissions offer help that has not been available before now.  They encourage us to ask for an energy cocoon and permission to do anything and everything that they want to do to help us.  It is important to give them permission because they cannot do anything without our permission.

    I ask for an energy cocoon before going to bed, and magical things happen during the night.  Sometimes I partially awaken with the realization that powerful transformation is taking place.  In the morning, I never have any awareness of what happened — only a realization that I have been transformed.

    It seems foolish to me to not ask for energy transmissions from the Elohim and ascended masters.  Doing so requires absolutely no effort.  Most spiritual practices require effort, but receiving energy only requires asking and surrender to allow the magic to happen.  Elohim and ascended masters will transform our lives if we ask them and allow them to do so.

The Rise and Fall of Humanity

    The ascended masters tell us that there have been several golden ages of humanity over hundreds of thousands of years.  That means that the human history that we learned in school is not close to being accurate.

    Elohim tell us in transmission #11 that humans descended into a lower state of consciousness when we lost the ability to see everything as a manifestation of the love and light of Divine Consciousness.  Over lifetimes we created and became attached to negative views and thought patterns that created all of the human discord that we witness today.  We lost the ability to see this world as an unreal hologram, and we lost the awareness that everything that we experience in this life originates inside of us.  We gave our power away to the collective outer reality and lost touch with our inner reality.  We gave our power away to our trauma, fear, worry and pain which multiplied over many lifetimes.  We created a reality and then allowed our creation to have power over us.  This led to a steady decline of humanity to lower states of consciousness with the accumulation of dense and dark energy that people laid upon themselves.  

    As humanity became enamored with seeing tragedy and darkness, they became attached to this imagery and played it back to themselves.  We have to learn to see the love and light within a situation to avoid creating a false holographic display or event.  When we choose to see love and light within an event and focus upon that, we choose to withdraw our support for the negative hologram that was collectively created by humanity over millennia.  We bring back the true nature which is a love light hologram.  

    We have to choose the place that we want to create our life hologram from.  We can choose to draw it forth from love and light instead of negativity.  We can create our hologram from our sacred heart and higher self.

    Nothing in life is what it appears to be.  St. Germain said that on the flip side of every dark event we find the Mighty I AM Presence.  Natural disasters provide powerful lessons in surrender.  Dark events provide the opportunity for people to unite and fight against them.  The covid lockdowns and mandatory vaccinations created a mass awakening as people fought back.  There are many sides and many possible outcomes to every event, and choosing to see them as negative is not helpful.

    Ascended masters encourage us to withdraw our support for our negative collective reality of human discord.  All human discord is unreal, and it has no power.  When we focus upon creating the reality that we want to see in this world, we have done everything we can do to make this world a better place.  Our powers of creation are far more powerful than we realize.  

    The Elohim tell us that what we see in our reality is exactly what we choose to see.  When I repeated “I see what I choose to see,” it struck me in a profound way, and I felt a shift in my awareness.  I realized that it is time for me to take responsibility for all of my creations in this life.

    Human consciousness is rising once again, and this will eventually cause the Earth to ascend.

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