Unified Chakra Meditation
From What is Lightbody?
Tashira Tachi-Ren channeled this meditation from Archangel Ariel.
Breathe in Light through the center of my heart, opening my heart into a beautiful ball of Light, allowing myself to expand.
Breathe in Light through the center of my heart, allowing the light to expand, encompassing my throat chakra and my solar plexus chakra in one unified field of Light within, through and around my body.
Breathe in Light through the center of my heart, allowing the light to expand, encompassing my brow chakra and my navel chakra in one unified field of Light within, through and around my body.
Breathe in Light through the center of my heart, allowing the light to expand, encompassing my crown chakra and my base chakra in one unified field of Light within, through and around my body.
Breathe in Light through the center of my heart, allowing the light to expand, encompassing my Alpha chakra (8 inches above my head) and my Omega chakra (8 inches below my spine) in one unified field of Light within, through and around my body. I allow the Wave of Metatron to move between these two points. I AM a unity of Light.
Breathe in Light through the center of my heart, allowing the light to expand, encompassing my 8th chakra (above my head) and my upper thighs in one unified field of Light within, through and around my body. I allow my emotional body to merge with my physical body. I AM a unity of Light.
Breathe in Light through the center of my heart, allowing the light to expand, encompassing my 9th chakra (above my head) and my lower thighs in one unified field of Light within, through and around my body. I allow my mental body to merge with my physical body. I AM a unity of Light.
Breathe in Light through the center of my heart, allowing the light to expand, encompassing my 10th chakra (above my head) and my knees in one unified field of Light within, through and around my body. I allow my spiritual body to merge with my physical body forming the unified field. I AM a unity of Light.
Breathe in Light through the center of my heart, allowing the light to expand, encompassing my 11th chakra (above my head) and my upper calves in one unified field of Light within, through and around my body. I allow the Oversoul to merge with the unified field. I AM a unity of Light.
Breathe in Light through the center of my heart, allowing the light to expand, encompassing my 12th chakra (above my head) and my lower calves in one unified field of Light within, through and around my body. I allow the Christ Oversoul to merge with the unified field. I AM a unity of Light.
Breathe in Light through the center of my heart, allowing the light to expand, encompassing my 13th chakra (above my head) and my feet in one unified field of Light within, through and around my body. I allow the I Am Oversoul to merge with the unified field. I AM a unity of Light.
Breathe in Light through the center of my heart, allowing the light to expand, encompassing my 14th chakra (above my head) and below my feet in one unified field of Light within, through and around my body. I allow the Source’s Presence to move around the unified field. I AM a unity of Light.
Breathe in Light through the center of my heart. I ask that the highest level of my Spirit radiate from my heart center filling this united felt completely. I radiate forth throughout this day.
Visualize 12 lines of light running through the unified field with cones at the top and bottom. The bottom cone connects us to the Earth, and the top cone connects us to heaven. Now it is time to meditate or engage in some other spiritual practice. The effects of everything that we do within the unified field are magnified.
Unified Chakra Meditation (Short version)
Breathe in light through the center of my heart encompassing
Throat and solar plexus chakras
within, through and around my body.
Brow and navel chakras
Crown and base chakras
Alpha chakra (8 inches above my head) and Omega chakra (8 inches below my spine) Allow the Waves of Metatron to flow through
8th chakra and upper thighs Merge emotional body with physical body
9th chakra and lower thighs Merge mental body with physical body
10th chakra and knees Merge spiritual body with physical body
11th chakra and upper calves Merge Oversoul with the unified field
12th chakra and lower calves Merge Christ Oversoul with the unified field
13th chakra and feet Merge I Am Oversoul with the unified field
14th chakra to below my feet Allow Source Presence, the Holy Shekinah to move through the unified field
Ask that the highest level of my Spirit radiate from my heart center filling this united field completely.
Visualize 12 lines of light running through the unified field with cones at the top and bottom.