Metatron’s Cube Mediation
Metatron is an angel that is mentioned in Jewish mystical traditions. Metatron’s cube is a powerful shape that is not a cube at all. Here is how it is usually depicted:

Meg Benedicte has taken this shape, given it 3 dimensions, and turned it into a powerful meditation. In this meditation, you sit in the center circle and imagine light rising from the 6 points on the inner circle and 6 points on the outer circle that create a shape that looks like this:

After creating the shape, start spinning the shape counterclockwise faster and faster. When we do this we can experience zero point which is a peaceful, silent, vacuum. Meg calls this quantum access. (I like to visualize tiny Metatron cubes spinning inside every cell in my body.)
It took weeks for me to figure out how to get the full benefit from this meditation. I mistakenly thought that I had to rely on my own effort to keep the cube spinning. When I removed all effort, the cube started spinning much faster, and I was engulfed in fiery light energy. This energy is very intense, and I can handle it for short periods of time. After I reach the limit of how much energy I can take on in one day, the light goes away, and the cube stops spinning, and I switch to a different meditation.