Aleut Elder Ilarion (Larry) Merculieff
and the Womb at the Center of the Universe
Unangan (Aleut) Elder Ilarion (Larry) Merculieff was one of the last of his people to be raised in the traditional way on St. Paul Island in the Bering Sea off the coast of Alaska. As he was growing up, the adults in his life gave him space to learn, and they never gave him instruction in anything. He was expected to watch, listen and learn on his own. From an early age, he learned how to live without thought, attuned to his intuition, his heart sense, his 5 senses and the ways of nature. He found that his most important learning happened outside of his mind without words. People in our culture have become cut off from this type of inner learning, and they have become depositories for someone else’s knowledge rather than their own.
The grandmothers asked him if he was ready to face the Sacred Feminine, and they told him to go where the fear is. He faced his deepest fears at an early age, and he found a place that he called the “inner net” where space and time do not exist.
Elders told him that the people received their original instructions and natural laws from the Womb at the center of the universe. Merculieff dissolved into this Womb, and he lost all sense of self. He said that the power of the Divine Womb exists in the body of every woman, and a woman’s power can draw us into Nothingness. Men are terrified of this experience, and they have a primal fear that they will lose themselves completely in the act of making love to a woman. He said that men have to pass back through the womb in order to be reborn, and women can help their men rise to the level of spiritual warriors.
Merculieff said that we live in a reverse society. The heart once told the mind what to do, but now the mind tells the heart what to do. (He said that we need to do whatever is necessary to get ourselves rooted in the heart.) We once honored the elderly, and now we honor youth.
Merculieff said that elders around the Earth knew that all of the templates of indigenous wisdom were going to be smashed, and they decided that they had to hide the sacred teachings and not talk about these teachings for 2 generations. He laments the systematic destruction of indigenous cultures, religions that valued the Divine Feminine and Mother Earth herself. Patriarchy smashes everything that it is terrified of. Patriarchy created masculine imbalance that takes away our power by rooting us in the mind. We have learned to give our power away. He said that we need to bring together the masculine and the feminine, light and darkness in spiritual alchemy.
Merculieff said that nothing new will be created until women come together and conduct ceremonies, heal themselves and create a container of creativity. The role of men is to protect the sacred space of women so they can do their work. Merculieff predicts that women will be restored to their place as original healers during our time.
The Womb Chakra
I became aware of the Womb Chakra after I integrated my twin flame Isis into my body, and she brought me there. For weeks, I went there for healing, and then I started going there with Isis during my meditations. We dive deeper and deeper into the radiant darkness to experience zero point energy in the void of Nothingness.
Ilarion Merculieff - The Womb at the Center of the Universe | Bioneers - YouTube
The Sacred Feminine: An Oral Teaching by Aleutian Elder Ilarion (Larry) Merculieff - YouTube
TEDxHomer-Larry Merculieff-Native Knowing - YouTube
Womb at the Center of the Universe teaching by Larry Merculieff - YouTube