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The Law of Life is Harmony

    The ascended masters tell us that the Law of Life is harmony.  Living in harmony requires faith, trust and deep surrender.  

    My guides told me that the I AM Presence has everything under control, and worrying does not change the outcome.  My mind much prefers worrying to living in a state of harmony.  My favorite topic of worrying is the state of politics in this country and the coming presidential election.

    Worrying doesn’t change the outcome, so how do we proceed in a harmonious way?  What can we do?

    Everything that we do to evolve spiritually and heal ourselves affects everyone else because we are all connected.  Everything that we do matters.  When we change ourselves, we change this world.

    We can learn to heal the Earth and ourselves, to send energy to parts of the world that need it, and to issue decrees focused upon making this world a better place.  We can use every one of our gifts in this life to make this world a better place.  After we have done everything in our power to make this world a better place, it is time to surrender and accept how life unfolds.  This is not easy to do because our minds become attached to specific outcomes that may or not may materialize and become real.

    Trusting that the I AM Presence has everything under control is not easy when our minds imagine that this world is chaotic and going to hell.  Our minds are not capable of seeing that there is a method to the madness of this world.  Life unfolds with the maximum benefit to every being who inhabits this world.  Some people need to suffer to pay karmic debts.  Others have chosen to lead difficult lives in order to advance spiritually.  Natural disasters release pent up energies in the Earth that need to be released.

    We all have important roles to play in this world.  After we have done everything that we can to improve ourselves and this world, it is time for deep surrender and acceptance of how events play out.  To do otherwise is to empower our egoic minds.  Ultimately, it is not up to us how life unfolds.  Surrender brings harmony and peace.  Resistance brings suffering.  Expecting things to be different from what they are is an attachment of the mind which breeds suffering.  Living in unknowing helps to silence our minds.  Accepting that our minds are not capable of understanding why life unfolds the way that it does is a big step forward.  It allows us to live in harmony and find our pathway to ascension.

    Trusting that the I Am Presence has everything under control is the antidote to worry.  Trust, faith and deep surrender lead to harmony.

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