Our Divine Selves
Ascended masters tell us that we are Divine beings with Godlike abilities to create and manifest with our thoughts, but impediments in our feeling world stand in the way of claiming these abilities. Our feeling world extends about a foot around our bodies, and it contains traumas from this life, past lives and there is ancestral trauma in our DNA. Clearing this trauma is no easy task.
Surrendering to whatever comes up during our meditations is a good practice that helps us to address trauma. Facing our resistance and emotions generated by positive affirmations is another good practice.
A good first step is adjusting our views about reality. We can tell ourselves, “I Am the Mighty I AM Presence.” In other words, we are God. Our minds will likely resist this immediately. Repeating this affirmation before falling asleep and during the night when we are half asleep will help root this belief in our unconscious minds. During the day, we can face down any type of resistance to this belief. This is an important belief to accept, because we cannot claim our Divinity without it. I repeated it countless times before accepting it.
Another step to take is to accept that this life is perfect. This is not easy to do. The news that is reported makes this world seem like a screwed up place. St. Germain said that no matter how dire circumstances seem to be, on the flip side of every event we will find the Mighty I AM Presence. He said that everything human is unreal and has no power. He recommends focusing upon how we want the world to be and visualize it happening. We can create affirmations to help with this process. If we buy into the view of reality displayed by the media, we are contributing to the problem that we want to eradicate.
There is only God in action in this world. With masterful precision, every person is given the exact experience that they need to have to progress spiritually.
Only Love and Light are real. Everything human is unreal, and it has no power. Focusing upon Love, Light and the present moment is helpful. The present moment is real. Everything else about our lives is not. Our Divine selves are real. Everything else that we have created (our identity, our world view, our beliefs, etc.) is not. Living in unknowing about what is real is helpful.
It is necessary to remove our human impediments in order to realize our Divine nature.
When we apply ourselves to the teachings of the I AM Discourses, ascended masters start working with us outside of our awareness, and they complete one third of the work necessary for ascension for us. St. Germain said that ascension is possible in 1 or 2 lifetimes. You can download the I AM Discourses for free (book #3 of the St. Germain series):